giovedì 14 maggio 2015

Zbrush! FMP, almost there!

There we go. It's not textured and it won't be. It took me around four days to get it done, but I'm quite satisfied with the result. It's my real first attempt to create a 3D human model with ZBrush, and I believe it came out quite right. I started from one of my concept:

The first on the left; I asked for feedback to a bounce of my friends, and between all Rubenka's costumes, this one apparently was the favourite. This is the reason for which I picked it up. Luckily for me, it's not one of the most difficult one - except maybe for the scarf.
When it came to do the the boots, I had a few problems, and I couldn't recreate all the straps (the software crashed, and I decided to do just one for each boot).
I'm still really new to the software, and I don't know yet all the tricks and tools, so I bet that the next time I will be able to do better; but as a first attempt, I like it.

Now I should have a little bit of everything, for my game. I have a story, a 3D level, a 3D character, lots of character concept art, a couple of environment concept and few sketches. I have a bit of GDD and some plans for the advertising campaign (with a work in progress website to promote the game, and where I might put the Flash game I'm going to create in the next few weeks:  - I haven't create the website, just the concept for it; it's my friend's work).

martedì 12 maggio 2015

4 days to FMP

Spent the morning on the 3D model again, I've finished the face, not the hair, thought. I hate the hair, take note. Maybe I'll go tomorrow and look for a room to do some extra work.

On the afternoon I've done Ryu's concept:

At the beginning I didn't plan for him to have tattoos (there won't be any description about tattoos, for Ryu, in the Character's bio I wrote for the Narrative assignment). But while I was drawing I thought that it actually kind of make sense. He would be the tattoo type; I designed the tattoos to be tribals, but also have some sort of religious type of look. I think of Ryu as a very religious character (even if his religion would be a minority, in Yevinon society). His Goddess, as I imagine, would be an evolution in time of Hindu's Kalì and other female deity; his faith in a female Goddess is kind of opposed to his acting quite sexist.
Anyway, there we go. Almost done with stuff. Yeppe-ya-yee~

lunedì 11 maggio 2015

Progresses - 5 days to FMP

Today I did a lot on the 3D model. Actually more than I expected, since it was the first time I was using ZBrush properly. I started on a model done on 3ds Max and used mostly the Clay brush, a bit of Smooth, Move and Standard; I also used another one, I think it was called "Level", to add some material to create the hands (the model I built in Max wasn't enough, for hands).
I didn't made a stamp of the work I've done this morning, I hope tomorrow I can finish of the face and hair and maybe start with the clothes. If I can do that, I'll be able to finish the model by Thursday. If not, I'll go to college an extra day on Wednesday, eventually, and get the job done. Even if I'd rather use Wed to do another environment concept.
In the afternoon I finished Ven's concept.

I shall move on to Ryu's, now. I also did a little change on the blog's title. I thought it was better a little restyling, since my hair grow longer. And this lil' me is more colorful.

giovedì 7 maggio 2015


During Easter holidays I didn't do as much as I was hoping. My laptop is not working properly and I couldn't work on the 3D model as planned. I also got ill again, and wasted even more time.
I used the time to write down the Flash and part of the Narrative assignment. Then I looked into Twine software, but the version on-line I used wasn't complete, and was browser based: this means that, since I was borrowing my mom's laptop, all the experiment I've been doing stayed there, within her laptop, related to her browser.
As soon as I came back to England (because during the holidays I was in Italy), I set myself a few target, in order to get to the FMP ready. SMART targets, I guess.
First, after the first Narrative lesson about dialogues, I could start writing my own. I decided that I would finish off my Narrative assignment between the fourth and the sixth of May, using the bank holiday and the reading day to work all day at home. I did, and I'm really happy with myself. Tired, but happy. Yesterday by eleven I bet I was about to die, after all that writing. I'm not even sure if it does make sense: I have to wait a few days, then I'll look into it again, to see if there are mistakes, misspellings. Next week I might also try to move the Dialogue I wrote into Twine, and try to set a few more variables for the Dialogue Tree, to make it more game-like, for my FMP.
Last Saturday I did some concept art, but it's not finished yet; as soon as I get it done I will post it on the blog. This is what I'm at:

And poor Ven is still naked. I'll get him something to wear soon enough. 
What I need to do now is trying to create my 3D model, since I couldn't during the holidays: I'm not entirely sure I have the time, up to this point, but I will still try. And this is how I intend to spend my college time. 
At home, since I can't use 3ds Max, I might try Twine or do more concept art. (I also have to deal with my job life, so it's not that easy, but I can sort it out).