venerdì 24 gennaio 2014

Video Production

We started filming, finally.
We weren't really ready, I guess, me and my group: not because we didn't have the script or the shots list, more because the blue screen room didn't suited our necessity. So we just decided to do as Craig said: random fighting shots, videos and stills. I think I'll use the shots for the scene I planned with random fight on the beach.
Our costumes were all ready and we looked pretty awesome. Steampunk is a gorgeous style, I have to say that. I'm totally in love with it, I think I may decide to dress like that everyday. Maybe. Or maybe not xD

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

This is my first editing to one of the shot we took on the first filming session. I regulated saturation, used chroma key to edit the blue screen and change it with one of Bolton Abbey shots. Also, I added a fire-gun shot. I put a mask over all the scene to make it darker.

Then, here we are, my team and I. All steampunked! With a bit of special effects, to look more awesome, heheh. Picture edited with Photoshop! 

venerdì 17 gennaio 2014

Logo studies

We have been started creating a logo for Paradox 1915. I found this image on the Internet:

I think I may use the "double look" for the idea of the time paradox, having half of the logo in steampunk style and the other in victorian style:
For the font, I'll use "coventy-garden" that I found on I already started the modelling, but right now I'm just at the beginning. We will animate the logo, too. I think I'll make the camera rotate around the sphere, which will have some movement on its own, like the chimney smoke or the lamp a bit dangling. Then, the "Paradox 1915" letters will come out of nowhere, dark, simple font versus the sphere colours and lights. All this logo will appear after a zoom in inside the Time Machine I'm modelling: it should look like and astrolabe, so it will be moving a lot.