giovedì 27 novembre 2014

Indoor 3D level

I forgot to post my progresses with the indoor environment. Right now I'm actually doing the outdoor, following the concept of my previous post. Here's a few shots from my level!
Hopefully I'll finish it tomorrow, so that I can start my ppt presentation and do the assignments. 

martedì 25 novembre 2014

Environment concept

I've been working on a few concept for the outdoor environment of my 3D level. After I decided which one was the best (I had a bit of feedback from my mates and tutor), I made the final concept art. I will have to make the model in Unity now, using models and the terrain Unity assets. A few concept are on my notebook, so I won't post them. For the final art I used picture I've found in google, made a collage, used a few filters and re-coloured some parts, add effects and stuff.

mercoledì 19 novembre 2014

FMP - work in progress

I had a few problems exporting files from 3dsMax to Unity: a few models are missing polygons or similar stuff. I don't think I'll re-build them, unless I'll have a lot of extra time. The level it's almost complete; right now it's "playable" as a first-person character, I will have to watch more tutorial to understand how to create a third-person character. I added textures (using Unity, I had to learn how to create and import textures from Photoshop), lights, and changed a bit my first design, because I decided to have a part of terrain to be in this scene as well. I actually decided that I'm going to concentrate just on this particular level, making this looking really good, make it work as much as possible (I still have no real clue how to do the programming, so...). The other level will have to wait; or maybe, for that, I'll just do the concept and GDD. I have no idea how to show my progresses on the blog, right now. I might do a few stamps later on, by at this point I don't have anything to show.
Oh, yeah, I also learned how to create textures with bump maps to apply on Unity, so that lights affect the texture even without real polygons.
Hopefully between the next two days, I'll be able to finish the indoors, so that I can use next week to create the terrain around the prison. I want to finish my 3D environment first, then I'll use my time until Christmas to finish the assignments and for the second presentation.

lunedì 10 novembre 2014

Prison environment

I've created half of the level with 3ds Max. Importing it on Unity it messes things up, but... 3ds Max version is like this: 

martedì 4 novembre 2014

My 3D environment it's starting to make sense

During the last weeks - except for half term, I was on holiday - I made a plan over one of the levels of my game. I created a map (just a sketch, I'll redraw it later on) and started to develop the ideas for the game design document. This particular level is set inside a technologic futuristic prison and it will have a few puzzle to solve in order to free a prisoner and escape the prison. 
I also started developing the 3D model. Just one corridor, for the moment; here a few renders:

I decided to use "Ink" and cel shading instead of realistic textures. It would take me less time to do so and I like the cartoony effect. My plan is to develop the rest of the prison during this week and the next one. If I can finish it within this time (along with a few concepts), I'll be able to start the second environment, which is definitely more difficult. For the second environment I started a map, but I'm not convinced. I probably need more time to plan it and do more concept. But I want to finish the prison properly first. 

Aaaw right. I forgot to post a few Terragen Environment I created... I don't remember when. Half october, I guess.