martedì 8 ottobre 2013

Games Development course - Warrington College

Here we go with the first college post!
In these first weeks we have been learning a good amount of 3D modelling stuff, starting from how to create simple object shapes and how to, then, bevel and extrude, to create more complex object. We've been starting to learn about textures, how to create landscapes and houses, then also how to do the rendering with light effect.
Unluckly I can't run Autodesk 3D Max (the software we're using) on my computer, so I can't post any of my works right now. I found this open source software, Blender, but I still have to figure out how it does work.
Other than than we have been creating a pre-production folder with lots of researches about our Steampunk project (I will add some stuff about it later on). Of course we also have video production researches, storyboards and some costume drawings.

Here some landscape rendering I've been doing lately:

Riassunto (o parafrasi, piú che altro) per i miscredenti che non sanno l'inglese: aggiorneró prossimamente il blog con quanto sto facendo al college, schizzi e progetti, immagini del rendering 3D (come quella qui sopra *_* come sono orgogliosa di me stessa). Al momento siamo sul finire della fase di pre produzione, siamo a buon punto con l'elaborazione in 3D, nel creare oggetti, interni e paesaggi, con tanto di textures. Aggiorneró prossimamente!

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