giovedì 12 marzo 2015

Environment challenge

Since I'm still trapped inside my house and apparently I'm stuck in this condition at least for a few other days, I decided that, again, I couldn't go to sleep before finishing my environment. I almost gave up a couple of time, because when it comes to draw environments, I become the laziest person on Earth.
But. I. Won. 
You can't beat me, Me. I'm far way too stubborn.

When you live alone, you have a flu, and it's the middle of the night... I guess it's all right talking and writing to myself. I tried to sing, but my lungs just answered with a hiss that, I guess, in the lungs-tongue meant "If you only try that thing again, I swear I'm gonna stop working for good". So, let's not.

I'm not even sure anyone is actually reading my blog; and if my friends do, they already know I'm kind of megalomaniac. So everything it's fine (except my health).

Oh, yeaaaah. Serious stuff (?). The concept it's for my game, as usual. I wanted to try to create the alien swamp, and looked at some pictures of actual swamps and jungles. This is the result:

Looking at the the finish work I also realized that it looks like the two mushrooms would like to approach the flower. "Hello Flower. How are things today? I'm, Mush and he's Rooms" "Your names are super lame!"
No, ok. Maybe something more poetic?
Or maybe I won't start crazy nonsenses stories about two mushrooms and a flower in the middle of a swamp, at three in the morning. (I could, but I really better not).

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